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Who are your customers?

You want to start a business venture. Where do you begin? Start by asking yourself, “Who is the customer, and what is the problem they want to solve?”

It is important that your product meets a real need or want for a segment of customers.

Digging into customer pain points can help you come up with (or further build out) an idea that adds value people are willing to pay for.

You’ll need to have real data from real people.

In this section, we’ll walk you through how to set up interviews to gather real data from your customers and gain a better understanding of their needs and wants.

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The activities in this section will get you talking to potential customers and help you answer this important question: "Who are my customers and what do they really need?”

Exercise: List your customers

Many entrepreneurs have a great idea before they spend much time thinking about their customer. The difference in success or failure of an idea is often rooted in who puts their customer’s needs first.

This exercise can help both new and established entrepreneurs focus on the first fundamental: who are your customers?

  • Download workbook and use the Customer List template to identify your customer type(s) and then specific names of people to interview—this will be your customer interview list.




Note: It’s okay if you haven’t put much thought into this prior to this moment. That’s what this exercise is for!

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